Pedagogy Seminar Series

The Pedagogy Seminar Series featuring Penn and visiting faculty is designed specifically for graduate students who want to learn more about teaching courses that focus on issues concerning gender and sexuality. Any graduate student is welcome to RSVP to these seminars by contacting GSWS Graduate Associate Alicia Meyer ( Pedagogy seminars fulfill requirements for the Graduate Certificate in GSWS. For details, visit the "Graduate Certificate" page via the sidebar.

Although many graduate students at Penn benefit from pedagogy courses or teaching practicums offered in their home departments as well as through Penn’s Center for Teaching and Learning, we in the GSWS Program have found that these measures can be valuably supplemented with a GSWS-focused approach, to prepare graduate students for teaching courses specifically in gender and sexuality studies.

This series centers on the particular challenges and issues that arise in teaching these topics, and is an essential resource for supplying GSWS Graduate Certificate students with the skills necessary to confidently teach undergraduate courses in the fields of gender, sexuality, and women's studies.

Generally speaking, there will be 6 seminars held per year on different topics related to teaching GSWS courses. Each seminar is 1.5 hours in length and held in our seminar room, 3rd Floor, Fisher-Bennett Hall, from 12-1:30 p.m on various weekdays. Lunch is provided.

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