AI in the Classroom Pedagogy Workshop

Thursday, April 17, 2025 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm

GSWS/FQT conference room
Fisher-Bennett Hall, Suite 345

This location is ADA accessible

In the midst of an already challenging semester, many of us are also grappling with whether and how to incorporate AI into our classrooms.  If you are feeling challenged, or inspired, or overwhelmed by this moment in AI, this workshop is a place to discuss concerns, generate new ideas and develop a plan for upcoming courses.  Please join your GSWS colleagues for an interactive session will help develop critical AI literacy, as well as discuss the challenges educators are facing. This is intended to be an interactive session for wherever you are in your journey with AI.  Faculty Discussants: Jessa Lingel and Beans Velocci.

This pedagogy seminar is open to faculty, staff, and graduate students.


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