Graduate Associate, Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies Program
I am a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Pennsylvania. I am currently a School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Completion Fellow and was an ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellow in 2020-21. I am completing my dissertation project, The Nation and its Deviants: Global Sexology and the Racial Grammar of Sex in Colonial India (1880-1950), on the colonial histories of sexual science and literary forms in turn-of-the-20th century India. My work on the global trajectories of queer and transgender politics, the history of science, and literary modernisms in the post/colony has appeared in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society and Museums, Sexuality, and Gender Activisms and is also forthcoming in GLQ: Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, and Modernism/modernity.
I have taught an advanced junior research seminar on the "Sexual Drives of Colonialism and Fascism" in the English department and co-taught "Introduction to Queer Studies" in the Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Program. I also co-organized the graduate working group Latitudes studying issues of race, empire and postcolonialism at UPenn from 2016-18, and will serve as Graduate Associate for the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies program at Penn over 2021-22.