APC Diversity Visiting Scholar
Chair and Claire Tow Professor of Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University.
Watch the Video of Janet Jakobsen and Christina Crosby on A Body, Undone
Listen to the Podcast interview on What's Left of Queer Theory Now?
Janet R. Jakobsen will be joining APC the week of January 22nd, as our second annual Diversity Scholar. Dr. Jakobsen is Chair and Claire Tow Professor of Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University. She served fifteen years as Director of the Barnard Center for Research on Women (BCRW), and she has also served as Dean for Faculty Diversity and Development. As Director of BCRW, Professor Jakobsen founded the webjournal, Scholar & Feminist Online, along with the New Feminist Solutions series of activist research projects with community-based organizations, such as the National Domestic Workers Alliance, Queers for Economic Justice, the New York Women’s Foundation, and A Better Balance: Work and Family Legal Center. She is the author of Working Alliances and the Politics of Difference: Diversity and Feminist Ethics (Indiana University Press, 1998). With Ann Pellegrini she co-wrote of Love the Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance (New York University Press, 2003) and co-edited Secularisms (Duke University Press, 2008), and with Elizabeth Castelli she co-edited Interventions: Academics and Activists Respond to Violence (Palgrave Press, 2004). She has held fellowships from the American Association of University Women, the Center for the Humanities at Wesleyan University, and the Center for the Study of Values in Public Life at Harvard Divinity School. She has taught as a Visiting Professor at Wesleyan University and Harvard University.
1/24: Queer Ethics in Hard Times: The Promise of Melancholy Utopias, Work-in-Progress; 12:00-1:30pm; Annenberg 500
1/25: A Body, Undone: Living on After Great Pain, Brownlee Lecture in Sexuality Studies, Janet Jakobsen and Christina Crosby; 5:00pm; Wolf Room, McNeil Center
The APC Diversity Visiting Scholar program brings to campus for a short-term residency a prominent feminist or sexuality scholar whose scholarship has an impact on the society at large, as well as engages a topic that is underrepresented on campus