Meet...Kira Simon!

May 4, 2015

Kira Simon

Kira hails from Boston, MA and will graduate this May with a major in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, with a concentration in Women's Studies. Her thesis, "Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Women: Policies and Practices in Philadelphia," examines how public policy interacts with Philadelphia non-profits working with female survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. Kira currently interns with Women's Way, a Philadelphia non-profit dedicated to advancing the status of women and girls in the greater Philadelphia area. Last summer, Kira interned with a progressive policy firm in Washington D.C. where she worked with a variety of clients, like the Center for Reproductive Rights, who focus on women's issues. After graduation, you'll find Kira back in D.C. working on women's public policy issues. Kira hopes future GSWS majors take classes that are out of their comfort zone and will encourage them to think in innovative ways. 

Why did you declare a GSWS major?

GSWS classes have a unique emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and are generally amazing!

What has been your favorite GSWS course?

Bodies, Race, & Rights - Dr. Kathy Brown 

Why is the GSWS department important to you?

The GSWS department is important because it expands understanding of other people and brings attention to issues that are important and relevant. 

Favorite cartoon character?

Scooby Doo becaue I enjoy solving mysteries and eating snacks!