GSWS Associate Director Gwendolyn Beetham Receives 2022 Models of Excellence Award

February 16, 2022

Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Associate Director Gwendolyn Beetham has been selected to receive a Models of Excellence Award. The Models of Excellence Award program celebrates the extraordinary achievements of full- and part-time staff across the University's schools and centers. This award recognies staff member accomplishments that reflect initiative, leadership, increased efficiency, and a deep commitment to service. 

"Operating well beyond the scope of her role, Gwendolyn is a treasured resource among the GSWS community. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of policies, procedures, and best practices concerning teaching, administrative tasks, and working with partners across campus, and she puts this knowledge into action on a daily basis. As the Associate Director of the GSWS Program, Gwendolyn has thoughtfully integrated the university’s mission of education, research, and community through interdisciplinary and community-building research projects, innovative program and curriculum development, and student and care worker advocacy."

The full list of honorees and honorable mentions is available on the HR website