How has the Covid-19 pandemic further stratified inequities in the labor force? Check out this article from Penn Today with experts from across Penn explaining how the pandemic has exacerbated gender inequality and challenged female career advancement in the STEMM fields, education, and business. In particular, this quotation from Pilar Gonalons-Pons exemplifies the importance of support for care work beyond the pandemic:
"In general, the pandemic has exacerbated gender inequalities, in employment and unpaid work like housework and caregiving. In some countries further along in this process, countries that have returned to some normality, women’s employment is rebounding, but we don’t see any of that in the U.S. because, of course, we’re not there yet.
One more point that’s important to note: Much of the research on the gender impacts of the pandemic has focused on heterosexual couples with children at home. That’s important, but it also leaves out the realities of many other family forms that are very common in our society, in particular single-parent families. It’s necessary to make sure we’re not writing this whole story thinking only about heterosexual couples with children."