Meet...Clarissa O'Conor!

May 4, 2015

Clarissa O'Conor

Clarissa hails from Pennsylvania and will graduate this May with a double major in Modern Middle Eastern Studies and GSWS with a concentration in Gender & Health. Her thesis is on "Narrative and Women with Cystic Fibrosis." Clarissa is an active and dedicated member of the Penn community. Clarissa has worked as a Family Planning Research Coordinator and is involved with Penn Students for Justice in Palestine and Philadelphia Alliance for Labor Support. Her tip for future GSWS majors? Take classes in the English and Africana departments!

Why did you declare a GSWS major?

GSWS classes challenged me to think about connections between various issues in way that I hadn't before, e.g. how patriarchy affects health, and birth, in particular, and how white women participate in and perpetuate white supremacy.

What have been your favorite GSWS courses?

Black Feminist Approaches to History and Memory - Grace Sanders

Gender and Society

Gender and Health

Why is the GSWS department important to you?

GSWS classes address how various systems of oppression and domination impact people's lives and experiences. 

Favorite Cartoon Character?

Francine, from Arthur

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