Indigenous Languages Today: Celebration Week at Penn

Saturday, October 26, 2019 (All day) to Thursday, October 31, 2019 (All day)

University of Pennsylvania

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The United Nations declared 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages and we are happy to join this commemoration. The Quechua Language Program and the Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania are partnering to organize a week of events that promote indigenous language writers and indigenous language use in the Americas, with a special focus on Quechua (South America) and Zapotec (Central America).

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas ha declarado el 2019 como el año internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas y estamos contentos de sumarnos a esta celebración. El programa de Quechua y la centro Kelly Writers House de la Universidad de Pensilvania organizarán una serie de evento para promover escritores y el uso de las lenguas de las Américas, con una especial atención en Quechua (Sudamérica) y Zapoteco (Centroamérica).


Sponsored by
Quecha at Penn, University of Pennsylvania, and Penn Language Center
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