Featuring: Dr. Helen Pho, Penn Career Services Associate Director
Are you hoping to apply to faculty positions in interdisciplinary fields and have questions about you can best position yourself for these roles? This workshop will begin with an interactive discussion on what search committees are looking for in interdisciplinary faculty searches by examining several faculty job postings in different interdisciplinary fields. We will then focus on how you can prepare for interdisciplinary positions in terms of your research, teaching, service, and even your professional academic networking before you enter the job market. For those who will be actively applying for faculty positions soon, we will also discuss how you can tailor your academic job materials, including your CV, cover letter, research statement, teaching statement, and diversity statement, for these positions. Whether you’re preparing to apply for interdisciplinary positions in a few years or in the coming months, this workshop can help you better understand the nature of interdisciplinary searches and how you can craft strong application materials for these roles.