DCC: Valentine Moghadam, Gender Regimes and Institutional Change in North Africa: Toward Gender Equality and Women's

Thursday, December 8, 2016 - 1:00pm

Silverstein Forum, Stiteler
 First Floor (Accessibility) / Free and open to the public

Citizenship on the Edge. Sex/Gender/Race: 2016-2017 Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutionalism Program.

in partnership with the Alice Paul Center

MOGHADAM is Professor of Sociology and International Affairs at
Northeastern University. Her areas of research include globalization;
revolutions and social movements; transnational feminist networks; and
gender, development, and democratization in the Middle East and North
Africa. Among her many publications are Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East (1993, 2003, 2013), Globalizing Women: Transnational Feminist Networks (2005), and Globalization and Social Movements: Islamism, Feminism, and the Global Justice Movement (2009, 2013). Her current research is on prospects for a women-friendly democratization after the Arab Spring.


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