Visual Aids Day With(out) Art, Screening and Conversation

Monday, December 1, 2014 - 3:00pm

The LGBT Center and GSWS invite you to participate in Visual Aid's Day With(out) Art on December 1st from 6-8pm at the LGBT Center (3907 Spruce St).


December 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of Visual AIDS' essential Day With(out) Art.

This year, Visual AIDS has commissioned prominent artists Rhys Ernst, Glen Fogel, Lyle Ashton Harris, Derek Jackson, Tom Kalin, My Barbarian, and Julie Tolentino to make short (2-5 minute) films about the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic, focusing on the issues of today. 


We will be screening the screening the Visual Aids program as well as hosting a conversation with Professor Lance Wahlert (Medical Ethics and Health Policy).


Food will be served!

