Giovanni's Room Bookstore (345 S. 12th Street)
Come learn how Philly bookstores, libraries, zine
fests, archives, and media artists are creating and preserving Philly queer and
transgender histories, and making them available to the public in creative
Presenters include:
HELYX CHASE, Director of the Philadelphia Trans Oral History Project.
Hailing from Philadelphia, Helyx is a gender queer dyke video artist, activist
and media literacy educator. Ze is a Hampshire College graduate with a degree
in Video, Social Justice, Youth Empowerment and Global Power Dynamics. Hir work
focuses on extending tools and promoting media creation, specifically for those
who are systematically excluded from methods of media production.
SARAH ROSE, Co-Director of the Philly Feminist Zine Fest. The Zine Fest
showcases some of the awesome zines Philly folks are making, and explores how
zine making and DIY media in relation to social justice.
CHE GOSSETT, writer and activist who is a contributor to Captive Genders: Trans
Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex (eds. , Trans
Studies Reader Volume II (eds. Susan Stryker and Aren Aziura) and the
forthcoming anthology Queer Necropolitics (eds. Jin Haritaworn, Adi
Kuntsman, Silvia Posocco). Che is currently working on a biography of
AIDS activist Kiyoshi Kuromiya.
BOB SKIBA, Archivist at the William Way LGBT Community Center. The
William Way Archives are Philadelphia's most extensive collection of rare
books, periodicals, video and audio tapes, periodicals, personal
correspondence, and other ephemera documenting the rich history of our LGBT