Penn Women's Center, 3643 Locust Walk
us for an afternoon of documentary films profiling activists Kiyoshi Kuromyia
and Marsha P. Johnson followed by a teach-in with activists Reina and Che
Gossett about prison abolition and legacies of transgender activism.
NB: Films will be screened from 1:30-3:00 pm; teach-in/discussion 3-4:30 pm.
Reina Gossett lives in Fort Greene, Brooklyn
and believes creativity & imagination are vital in movements for self
determination. She is a trans activist & artist, working as
membership director at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project and blogging at Reina’s
work has been featured in Barnard College’s The Scholar & Feminist
Online, as well as Captive Genders:
Trans Embodiement & The Prison Industrial Complex, Post Post
Script Press and Randy Magazine.
Che Gossett is a member of ACT UP
Philadelphia, on the steering committee of the HIV Prevention Justice Alliance,
a board member with the Sex Worker Outreach Project and has been involved in
queer and/or trans and gender nonconforming decriminalization, decarceration
and prison industrial complex abolitionist organizing. Che is currently working
on a biography of queer AIDS activist Kiyoshi Kuromiya.