Room 345 Penn Museum
Faculty Respondents: Deborah Thomas (Anthropology) and Heather Love (English)
Erotic Isles: Queer Artistry and Activism in a Caribbean
Informed by seven years of ethnographic field research in
the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago— the southernmost independent nation in
the Caribbean region, named for the two largest islands in its archipelago—
this paper introduces a study of artistry and activism within Trinbagonian
same-sex desiring communities. Through an analysis of Carnival masquerade
design, Calypso musicianship, and HIV/AIDS prevention & care services, the
larger project of which this presentation forms a part proposes a
reinterpretation of the erotic as part of a life-sustaining subjectivity. It is
this “erotic subjectivity” that will be the primary focus of our conversation.
This event is cosponored by Anthropology, English, and The Center for Africana Studies
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