If you are thinking about or currently are majoring or minoring in Gender, Sexuality, or Women’s Studies, at Penn, please come to an informational/social event in Dr. Shannon Lundeen's (Associate Director, GSWS Program) campus apartment from 4-5pm. All potential majors/minors are invited as are current majors and minors! You will learn about the major/minor requirements, what you can do with a degree in GSWS, and you will meet people who have similar academic interests.
Where: 200 Baird, Fisher-Hassenfeld College House, Residential Quad (enter w/ your Penn Card at 37th and Spruce). If you do not have a key to open the outer doors in the Quad, you can gain access to the inside of the buildings by going through the info center just before the security gate at the upper quad entrance. Tell them you’re trying to get to Baird and they will direct you down the hall. Make your way to the second floor and walk inside the building toward 38th street. You will come to a dead end on the second floor at Dr. Lundeen's apartment.
Food and drinks will be served.