Thursday-Friday, October 25-26, 2007
University of Pennsylvania
for locations of panels, please see below and
click here for printable campus map with conference locations
Sponsored by the Alice Paul Center for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality &
the Women's Studies Program
with co-sponsorship from the SAS Conference Fund, The Middle East Center, the Annenberg School, Greenfield Intercultural Center, the African Studies Center, the Penn Women's Center, the English Department, the History Department, the LGBT Center, the Political Science Department, the Anthropology Department, the History and Sociology of Science Department, and distinguished alumnae, Gloria Allred, CW'63, and Andrea C. Roberts, C'77, G'77
(for a list of books authored by our conference presenters, please click here)
Thursday, October 25
9:45am: General Welcome
Bodek, Houston Hall
Shannon Lundeen, Associate Director of The Alice Paul Center, UPenn
10am-12pm, Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall
Session 1: Gender and the Militarization of Society
Chair: Marie Gottschalk, Associate Professor of Political Science, UPenn
- Endless War: US Feminism's Cosmopolitan Militarism, Caren Kaplan, Professor of Women and Gender Studies and Chair of Cultural Studies Graduate Group, University of California, Davis
- Living Room Terrorists: Military Couples and Domestic Violence, Catherine Lutz, Professor of Anthropology at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University
- Traumatic Brain Injury: An Instance of the Mutual Provocations of Medical Science and Militarism, Jennifer Terry, Director and Associate Professor of Women's Studies, University of California, Irvine
Discussant: Inderpal Grewal, Professor of Women's Studies and Director of Ph.D. program in Culture and Theory, University of California, Irvine
12-1:30pm: Lunch Break
1:30-3:30pm, Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall
Session 2: Ideologies of Gender in Times of Conflict
Chair: Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet, Associate Professor of History, UPenn
- Iraqi Women and Gender Ideologies: From Dictatorship, Wars & Sanctions to Occupation, Nadje Al-Ali, Lecturer at the Centre for Gender Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
- Gendering the Emperor' s Soldiers: Gender Ideologies, the United States Military, and the ' War on Terror,' Laura Sjoberg Assistant Professor of Political Science, Virginia Tech
- Gendered Identities, Ideologies, and Practices in the Context of War and Militarism, V. Spike Peterson, Professor of Political Science, University of Arizona
Discussant: Raka Ray, Sarah Kailath Chair in Indian Studies, Chair, Center for South Asia Studies, and Associate Professor of Sociology and South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley
3:30-4pm: Break
4-6pm, 200 College Hall
Session 3: Gender and Sexuality in the Armed Forces
Chair: Ayako Kano, Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, UPenn
- Front and Center: Sexual Violence in U.S. Military Law, Elizabeth Hillman, Professor of Law, Rutgers University, Camden (AY '07-'08: Visiting Professor of Law at University of California Hastings College of the Law)
- The Dilemmas of Women in Combat: The Case of Israeli Women’s "Right to Fight," Tami A. Jacoby, Associate Professor of Political Studies and Acting Director of the Centre for Defence and Security Studies, University of Manitoba
- Post-War Trajectories for Girls Associated with the Fighting Forces in Sierra Leone, Susan Shepler, Assistant Professor of International Peace and Conflict Resolution, American University
Discussant: Susan Lindee, Professor of History and Sociology of Science, UPenn
6-6:30pm: Break
6:30-7:30pm, 200 College Hall
Plenary Speaker: R. Jean Brownlee Lecture in Feminist Theory
CLICK HERE for the AUDIO PODCAST of this lecture
Making Feminist Links between the Militarizations of Iraqi and US Women: What They Reveal about the Gendered Politics of War
Research Professor of International Development and Women's Studies, Clark University
Chair: Demie Kurz, Co-Director of the Women' s Studies Program and the Alice Paul Center, UPenn
8-9:30pm: Conference Dinner Buffet, LGBT Center
(The Carriage House), UPenn
(Dinner for conference presenters and invited guests only)
Friday, October 26
8:15am: General Welcome
Wharton School, G06 Huntsman Hall
Demie Kurz, Co-Director of the Women’s Studies Program and
the Alice Paul Center, UPenn
8:30-10:30am, Wharton School, G06 Huntsman Hall
Session 4: Rape, Violence, Torture
Chair: Heather Sharkey, Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, UPenn
- Rape as Marker and Erasure of Difference: Darfur and the Nuba Mountains (Sudan), Sondra Hale, Professor of Anthropology and Women' s Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
- Wars of Attrition: How Men Get Away with Rape, Liz Kelly, Professor of Sexualized Violence and Director of the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University
- Variation in Sexual Violence during War: The Relative Absence of Sexual Violence by some Non-state Actors, Elisabeth Jean Wood, Professor of Political Science, Yale University and Research Professor at the Santa Fe Institute
- The Body as Border, Julie Mostov, Associate Vice Provost for International Programs and Associate Professor of Politics, Drexel University
10:30am-12:30pm, Wharton School, G06 Huntsman Hall
Session 5: Reconstruction, Reconciliation, and Peacemaking
Chair: Ritty Lukose, Assistant Professor of Education, UPenn
- Post-Conflict Forgiveness, Sigal R. Ben-Porath, Assistant Professor of Education, University of Pennsylvania
- Reparation, David Eng, Professor of English, University of Pennsylvania
- Stories of Healing and Cleanup from the Destruction of War in El Salvador, Gwyn Kirk, Women for Genuine Security and East Asia-U.S.-Puerto Rico Women' s Network Against Militarism
- Gender Justice and Reparations for Child Survivors of Grave Human Rights Violations Committed During Armed Conflict,Dyan Mazurana, Research Director at the Feinstein International Center, Tufts University
12:30-2:00pm: Lunch Break
2pm-4pm, Wharton School, G06 Huntsman Hall
Session 6: Gender, War, Media
Chair: Katherine Sender, Assistant Professor of Communications, Annenberg School, UPenn
- Matters of Life and Death: Debating Militarization and Gender in the New Eritrea, Victoria Bernal, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine
A Fresh Crop of Human Misery: Representations of Bosnian "War Babies" in the Global Print Media, 1991-2006, R. Charli Carpenter, Assistant Professor of International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh
- Fireman Fetishes and Drag King Dreams: Queer Responses to September 11, Deborah Cohler, Assistant Professor of Women' s Studies, San Francisco State University
Discussant: David Kazanjian, Associate Professor and Graduate Chair of English, UPenn
4-4:30pm: Break
4:30-6:30pm, Wharton School, G06 Huntsman Hall
Plenary Panel
Academy and Community: Teaching and activism in times of war
Chair: Rita Barnard, Professor of English and Director of the Women' s Studies Program and The Alice Paul Center, UPenn
- Women and War and the Politics of Caring, Ariane Brunet, Coordinator, Women's Rights Program at Rights and Democracy, Montreal
- Teaching Responsibility: Reconstructing the Past, Dasa Duhacek, Professor of Philosophy and Coordinator of the Women' s Studies Center, Belgrade University, Serbia
- Activism and Theory: Confronting a Culture of Violence, Charlotte Bunch, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Women's Global Leadership, Rutgers University
6:30-8pm: Closing Reception
(open only to conference presenters and invited guests)