Perhaps the most recognizable gender theorist in the world, Judith Butler came to prominence after her 1990 book, Gender Trouble, popularized the concept of gender performativity. Since that time, the book has been a staple of not only gender and queer studies classrooms, but has been taken up in policy circles, popular media, and, perhaps most perversely, as fodder for far-right movements in many parts of the world. Butler’s theories also have a “troubled” relationship within the field, particularly as transnational, queer of color, and trans scholarship becomes less marginalized. In this series, we ask members of the GSWS/APC community to reflect on how they engage with Butler’s text thirty years on.
Submissions can take the form of short essays, poetry, drawings, videos, podcasts, or other creative media. A selection of submissions will start to be uploaded onto the APC-GSWS website during QPenn, March 2020. Details for submissions can be found below.
We welcome and encourage submissions from the entire Penn community.
Submissions will be accepted between February 20th and April 1st.
Submission criteria:
All participants must complete the online submission form and upload the materials through the link below
Written submissions must be no more than 500 words
Video and podcast submissions must be no longer than 2 minutes. Please record in the best quality you can, ideally 720/1080/HD
Any images must be in high resolution, ideally at least 1280 x 1280
In order for your submission to be highlighted on the APC website, any image of a person or people will require a University Video and Photograph Authorization release form.
Please note:
All submissions will be linked to your name and other identifying information and, therefore, are NOT anonymous, but your name need not be included on the website (please indicate as such in your submission).
Submissions will not be returned, but you may request, in writing, that it be removed from the review process within 48 hours of submission (
Please direct questions to: