Phyllis Rackin Graduate Award

Created in honor of Phyllis Rackin, a pioneering feminist scholar and former faculty member in the English Department at Penn, this award provides up to $2,000 in research or travel funding to a graduate student in the School of Arts and Sciences whose research creates or promotes new scholarship on women, gender, and/or sexuality in the humanities. Priority will be given to students who have earned a Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Graduate Certificate (or who are currently enrolled in the program), and to projects leading to the completion of a doctoral dissertation.

Application Cycle:

  • Rackin applications are due on April 1, 2025
  • notification of awards will be made by end of April

To Apply, Please complete the online application and include the following in one document:

  • 2-page description of project clearly stating the aims and methods of your research
  • budget detailing how the award funds will be used (please note that support for caregiving while researching or writing is a permissible expense)
  • curriculum vitae
  • list of all other secured sources of funding and funding for which you are applying

Please include contact information for two references, preferably from faculty.  

This award is subject to 1099 reporting.

For further information, contact Che Gossett

Recent Award Recipients

James Coleman

Using Young Adult Literature to Rewrite Gender Inequality and Queerphobia in Schools
Devorah Fischler
Comparative Literature and GSWS

Devorah Fischler is a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature. Her Phyllis Rackin Award will fund research toward the completion of her dissertation.
Patricia Kim
History of Art and GSWS

Engendering Power: Dynastic Women and Visual Culture in the Hellenistic World (4th-1st c BCE)
Davy Knittle
English and GSWS

Homourbanism: Poetics Against Gentrification
Melanie Hill

Personified Preaching: the Black Feminist Sermonic Practice in Literature and Music
Claire Mullaney

American Imprints: Disability and the Material Text, 1858-1932
Eziaku Nwokocha
Africana and Religious Studies

Fashioning the Spirit: Diasporic Adornment and Spiritual Exchange in Haitian Vodou
Julia Cox

Breaking the Back of Words: Women, the Protest Song, and the Long Civil Rights Movement
Danielle Hanley

Crying: The Political Work of Tears
Natalie Shibley
Africana Studies and History

Sexual Contagion: The Politics of Sexuality and Public Health in the U.S. Military, 1941-1993