Lynda S. Hart Undergraduate Award in Sexuality Studies

A prize of $250 will be given each year for a senior thesis or seminar/course paper in the field of LGBTQ Studies. Awarded in memory of Lynda Hart, Professor of English at Penn and groundbreaking scholar in feminist performance studies and queer theory, the prize recognizes original, rigorous scholarship on gender and sexuality by a Penn undergraduate in any field.
To apply, please submit your paper to with the subject header "Lynda S. Hart Prize submission." Include a cover sheet with the title “Lynda S. Hart Prize” and the title of your paper, your name, and your contact information (your major, your advisor, your email address).

Deadline for submissions: 12 pm, Friday, March 21st, 2025

Recent Award Recipients

Thomas Malloy
Biochemistry and Biology

Disparate Treatment of Sex Disorder Diagnoses: The Role of Femaleness Being Viewed as the Absence of Maleness
Lee Ang

"It's a pipeline, honestly": Linked Fate, discrimination, and critical trans politics of liberation and transformation
Serena Baldick Martinez

(Honorable Mention) Reclaimed Nonbinary Harry Potter Fanfiction: Imagining Identity by Reading and Writing a Magical World
Sundeep Bhargava

Constructing a Queer Asian/Pacific Islander Archive: Network-Building in Community Organizing
Max Kanner

(Honorable Mention) The Closet’s Toll: Health Disparities in Queer Adolescents from Stress and Stigma
Erin O'Malley

I am Where I Come From: Narratives of Transgender Asian Adoptees
Isaac Essex

Expanding the Split: How the Gap in Legibility and Language Access makes Trans Poetics Essential
Wesley Neal

Trans Colonialism: The State Project and White Trans Men in the United States from 1870 Onward
Benjamin Chansky

Investigations into Queer Experience: An Ethnographic Comparative Analysis Tracing the Development of Queer Identity from Adolescent High School to Young Adulthood at the University of Pennsylvania
Kerry Schellenberger

Android Embodiment: Gender, Sexuality, and Disability in Star Trek
Zachary Willis

A Marriage Proposal: A Critique of Post-Marriage Equality Tax Regulation of Domestic Partnerships and Civil Unions
Virginia Seymour

Representing Gender and Sexuality in Disability Photography, 1847–2015
Dawn Androphy

Before Liberation: Political Ideology and Self-Expression in the U.S. Homophile Movement, 1950-1965
Lexi White

Dynamics and Consequences of the Street Harassment Experienced by Women of Color