The Lynda S. Hart Teaching Award (Graduate Students)

The Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies Program at Penn, together with the Center for Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies, announce a call for nominations for the Lynda S. Hart Teaching Awards. These awards are named in honor of Penn Professor of English Lynda Hart, who taught the first queer theory course at Penn, “Feminist Theory: Queering the Literary: Theories and Fictions,” in 1995.

The Lynda Hart Teaching Award recognizes teachers who have cultivated a learning environment that facilitates, encourages, and engages feminist critique and who prioritize inclusive classroom practices.

Two awards will be given: one to faculty and one to graduate students teaching or TAing GSWS owned or GSWS cross-listed courses.

To Apply: Please complete the online application and include in one document: information about the course(s) taught by the nominee, including the ways that the course(s) helps to further the GSWS program at Penn. The nomination should also outline the ways that the instructor embodies the mission of GSWS: to cultivate an inclusive learning environment that values and prioritizes inclusion, equity, and diversity through research, teaching, advocacy, activism, and community engagement, and to create a space that is affirming of all identities, including trans and non-binary identities.

We welcome nominations from faculty & staff, graduate students, undergraduate students, and members of the broader Penn community. Nominations, including self-nominations, should be submitted in a PDF file as part of the online application. Deadline is April 15th, 2025.